Rules For Users
The V&E Greenline is available for recreational purposes—except in those cases where the use or the user is prohibited. Anyone who uses the trail accepts the limitations and regulations imposed by the V&E Greenline Committee, which manages the property. All photographs taken on the property of the V&E Greenline are considered to be in the public domain, can be used without permission, and cannot be limited by copyright. Users and adjacent property owners must email the V&E Greenline Committee ( to seek approval for various activities identified below.
The V&E Greenline may be used for the following purposes:
Casual recreation, leisure, and enjoying nature
Pedestrian traffic including walking, hiking, running, and dog walking
Bicycle riding at a reasonable speed (below 15 mph); cyclists should always yield to pedestrians on the trail
Gardening at established sites, with permission from the V&E Greenline Committee
Public gatherings, educational activities, and special events that have been approved by the V&E Greenline Committee
Rules for Dog Walkers
City ordinance and V&E Greenline Regulations require dogs to be leashed at all times. Under no conditions should dogs be allowed to roam without a leash on the property of the V&E Greenline. This rule is designed for your and your pets’ protection.
Pet owners must dispose of waste in trash bins along the trail.
Rules for Adjacent Property Owners
Owners wanting to access the V&E Greenline for any construction, alteration, grading, vegetation or tree removal are required to seek approval from the V&E Greenline Committee before proceeding.
Owners and their contractors who enter the V&E Greenline to do maintenance work on fences or property are expected to promptly clean up and remove all debris. Yard debris and wood can be hauled to the nearest curb and will be picked up by MLGW. Building trash and loose construction debris must be hauled away. Owners should make their contractors aware of this responsibility ahead of time, mention it in the contract, and insist that clean-up be completed as part of the job.
One of the main missions of the Greenline is urban reforestation and wildlife habitat. Tree preservation has become especially urgent in the face of recent natural disasters that have cost us many trees. Owners are not allowed to cut trees on the V&E Greenline without prior approval from the V&E Greenline Committee. Owners who need to cut down a tree on V&E Greenline property should present their reasons to the committee along with a plan to replant a similar native species close to the removed tree.
The V&E Greenline MAY NOT be used for the following:
Motorized traffic such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, e-scooters, e-bikes, etc. As an exception, persons with disabilities may use light motorized equipment.
Parking on the trail or blocking an entrance
Sleeping, camping, using drugs or alcohol
Entering private property from the V&E Greenline
Possessing firearms or fireworks
Playing loud music
Littering or placing unapproved items (signs, works of art, decorations, etc.) on V&E Greenline property or in drainage areas
Encroaching on Greenline property with fences or other obstructions
Removing or trimming vegetation or cutting trees, unless approved by the V&E Greenline Committee as part of volunteer activity
Graffiti, vandalism, or posting notices on V&E Greenline property
Climbing trees or structures (with the exception of the pull-up bars near Dickinson Ave)
Unapproved organized gatherings
All illegal activity that is otherwise not identified above
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