The V&E Greenline was started in 1996 by community volunteers, becoming one of the first rail-to-trail projects in the state. Today it is a vibrant part of a culturally rich and diverse community.
The Louisville & Nashville Railroad extended from downtown Memphis east to Raleigh and beyond to Nashville and Louisville. In its later years it solely served the huge Sears Distribution Center at Cleveland Street, which is now Crosstown Concourse.
A vintage aerial photo of the Sears Distribution Center (center) with the area that would become the V&E Greenline extending to the lower right (area densely lined with trees). Photo from the Commercial Appeal.
The right-of-way was abandonded in 1980 including 1.7 miles in Vollintine Evergreen. The City of Memphis chose not to purchase the land and the area was left vacant and not maintained.
In 1995, the Vollintine Evergreen Community Association (VECA) received grant funds to undertake widespread community revitalization. VECA used some of these funds to purchase the abandoned right-of-way on November 11, 1996 and renamed it the V&E Greenline and in the following year it became a program of VECA. A separate neighborhood corporation, the V&E Greenline Community Corporation, owns the land, while operations and maintenance is done by the V&E Greenline Committee.
The V&E Greenline is now a vibrant unpaved walking and biking trail that extends from near Crosstown Concourse on the west, past Rhodes College in the center, and ends at Springdale Street on the east. This premier natural trail is used for walking, running, dog exercising, leisurely biking, and neighbor interaction.
The trail has two bridges, a stationhouse, an extensive tree canopy of oaks and many other species, and a maintained but natural trail. It has several art sculptures, shade and sun gardens, and wildlife especially near Lick Creek. It is supported by residents and trail users that donate the costs associated with maintenance and it has a large pool of volunteers that manage and maintain the trail. Infrastructure was funded by grants and built with in-kind corporate services and volunteer efforts.
The trail has received numerous awards including:
Trail of the Month from the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Outstanding Grassroots Organization from the Memphis Flyer
Best Practice Award from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Download a Timeline of the V&E Greenline.